
creation 2014 by Cécile Apsâra, dance for all public

Length : 30mn

The four cardinal flamenco dance points Cécile Apsara questions to heart the telluric force of the woman in sunlight, water and fire, between heaven and earth.

Experimental project, this piece explores the resonances between flamenco, theater and contemporary dance.
SOL : SUN plunges sources of living art and awakens the subterranean forces that connect to the universe. Energy unadorned hits the bowels and captures rooted in us emotions.

Carried by the ancestors, the dancer asks social dancing to finally rise to itself, in the movement of inner strength.

Choreography and performance: Cécile Apsâra

Mentorings : Christine BARBEDET / Maribe Demaille and Patrick Le Doaré, TEEM

Musical composition “partition”: Jean-Charles François

Original Music Voice: Alicia Acuña

Recorded Music: Sotiria Bellou

Light and sound: Ronan Bernard

Residencies: Cultural Office of the CC Mauron

Receptions studio: Triangle, dance city in Rennes and Collectif Danse Rennes Métrople

Recording Studio: L’Arène Musicale, Rennes

Production: APSÂRA Flamenco

Judith Farro performance during the show

SOL Experiments


> Céline Diais

> Judith Farrö


Contact :

> to contact us

Cécile Apsâra, choreographer

mobile phone: +33 (0) 6 16 13 42 50
Proposals for cultural activities in the territories
Cultural activities in schools
Flamenco in family

The company is supported by Conseil Général 35 and the City of Rennes, support companionship TEEM (Territoires d’écritures en mouvement), receptions in residence at Office Culturel de la CC de Mauron, receptions studio at Collectif Danse Rennes Métrople and at Triangle, city of dance and enjoys the support of Brittany through the jobs associative device of regional interest.
Copyright © APSÂRA Flamenco, All rights reserved.

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Apsâra Flamenco • 15, rue de Picardie 35000 Rennes • 02 99 53 18 83 • Nous écrire • © Apsâra Flamenco